Data addendum

This page includes additional explanations for the Protocol Statistics table.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.


Stakers are required to select a staking duration from 2 weeks to 1 year. The reward rate shown on ProtocolStaking reflects the rewards earned if stakers select a staking duration of 1 year, which yields the highest staking rewards. Selecting a staking duration of 2 weeks will yield the lowest staking rewards, earning 16% less rewards than stakers earn with 1 year staking duration.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days. Additionally, the reward rate and inflation rate are applicable to validators running all EVM blockchains supported by Axelar.

Band Protocol

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.

BNB Chain

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate using data from the previous 24 hours.


Statistics for total value staked and staking ratio reflect real time changes. Reward rates and inflation rates are calculated from 2 epochs prior, the amount of time it takes for the protocol to calculate and distribute staking rewards.


The reward rates are only applicable to delegators. Validators earn a fixed amount of rewards in stablecoins, independent of how much stake they get.

Cosmos Hub

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account. The Cosmos Hub uses an internally defined block time (blocks_per_year) to calculate tokens to be issued every block (inflation / blocks_per_year). The blocks_per_year currently implies a block time of 7.23 seconds when actual block times have been closer to 6 seconds. Since inflation is being applied more frequently, the actual realized inflation rate and reward rate will be higher. Chain

ProtocolStaking estimates a lower reward rate and inflation rate because it takes the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account. Chain uses an internally defined block time (blocks_per_year) to calculate tokens to be issued every block (inflation / blocks_per_year). The blocks_per_year currently implies a block time of 5 seconds when actual block times have been slower. Since inflation is being applied more frequently, the actual realized inflation rate and reward rate will be higher.


Only certain validators pay out their rewards to stakers. Therefore, the reward rate does not universally apply to all stakers. ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate by assuming all rewards are distributed evenly across all active stake that has voted.


When calculating the inflation rate, ProtocolStaking looks back at the burned fees and consensus layer rewards for the recent 7 days and annualizes these figures.

Data for reward rates have been provided to us courtesy of Rated Network.


Fantom has two forms of staking: base staking (stake-as-you-go) and fluid staking. Fluid staking requires stakers to select a staking duration from 2 weeks to 1 year while base staking has no staking duration. The reward rate shown on ProtocolStaking reflects the rewards earned if stakers select a staking duration of 1 year, which yields the highest staking rewards. Base staking will yield the lowest staking rewards, earning 30% of the rewards that stakers earn with 1 year staking duration.

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.


ProtocolStaking uses the previous epoch’s data to calculate the reward rate and inflation rate.

Hedera Hashgraph

Hedera Hashgraph has an option for stakers to opt out of earning staking rewards. This function is primarily used for the foundation to delegate to validators without diluting rewards for other stakers.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 3.5 days into account. Injective uses an internally defined block time (blocks_per_year) to calculate tokens to be issued every block (inflation / blocks_per_year). The blocks_per_year currently implies a block time of 1.1 seconds. Since inflation is being applied less frequently, the actual realized inflation rate and reward rate will be lower.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.


The protocol will issue 10% of the total token supply every era. All of the newly issued tokens will be distributed as staking rewards if the staking ratio is at the target staking ratio. However, if the staking ratio is not at the target staking ratio, not all of the newly issued tokens will go to stakers. The portion remaining after distributing staking rewards will be sent to the protocol’s Treasury, where it will remain until spending proposals are made through governance.


ProtocolStaking’s reward rate is a network wide blend of both normal staking rewards and supercharged staking rewards.

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate using data from the previous epoch.


Moonbeam will issue 5% of the total token supply every era. 30% of this is allocated as a bond reserve to remain a parachain of Polkadot. 20% goes directly to validators as commissions. The remaining 50% gets distributed to all stakers proportionate to their stake.

ProtocolStaking’s reward rate includes rewards that only validators can receive (i.e. 70% of inflation is included). In order to calculate the reward rate for delegators, please multiply 5/7 to the reward rate.

NEAR Protocol

ProtocolStaking takes Near’s actual block times of the previous epoch into account when calculating reward rate and inflation rate. Near uses an internally defined block time to apply an inflation rate of 5%. The internally defined block time implies a block time of 1 second when actual block times have been slower. Since the inflation rate is being applied less frequently, the actual realized inflation rate and reward rate will be lower.

Transaction fees are not currently taken into account when calculating the reward rate. 70% of transaction fees is distributed to stakers while the remaining 30% gets distributed to contract creators.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.

Rewards are distributed in another token called GAS. Therefore, reward rate is calculated using the market exchange rate of NEO and GAS. Since rewards are distributed in another token, the inflation rate is 0.

Oasis Network

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate using the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.

OKX Chain

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.


Polkadot issues 10% of the total token supply every era. All of the newly issued tokens will be distributed as staking rewards if the staking ratio is at the target staking ratio. However, if the staking ratio is below or above the target staking ratio, not all of the newly issued tokens will go to stakers. The portion remaining after distributing staking rewards will be sent to the protocol’s Treasury, where it will remain until spending proposals are made through governance.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate using data from the previous 7 days.


Reward rate was calculated assuming the epoch length is roughly 31 minutes, which was the benchmark used to set the current emission rate.


The calculated reward rate does not take the bridge operator rewards into account. Bridge operator rewards are only shared amongst the validators.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by using the actual block times of the previous 7 days.


ProtocolStaking takes Solana’s actual block times of the previous 12 hours into account when calculating reward rate and inflation rate. Solana uses an internally defined block time to apply an inflation rate. The internally defined block time implies a block time of 400ms when actual block times have been ranging from 400ms to 600ms. Since the inflation rate is being applied less frequently, the actual realized inflation rate and reward rate will be lower.

Transaction fees are not currently taken into account when calculating the reward rate. Half of transaction fees get burnt while the other half is distributed to the block producing validator.


Staking ratio is calculated by dividing staked tokens with the total token supply of 10 billion SUI.

Inflation rate is calculated by dividing reward subsidies with the total token supply excluding tokens allocated to the Sui Foundation. The tokens allocated to the Sui Foundation can be found here:


ProtocolStaking looks back at the prior cycle’s data to calculate the reward rate and inflation rate.


ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.

Terra Classic

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate by taking the actual block times of the previous 7 days into account.

The Graph

The reward rates and inflation rates tracked by ProtocolStaking assume that all rewards are properly claimed by all staked Indexers. In practice, reward rates may differ drastically based on the Indexers’ performance.

Theta Network

Rewards are distributed in another token called TFUEL. Therefore, reward rate is calculated using the market exchange rate of THETA and TFUEL.

Since rewards are distributed in another token, the inflation rate is 0 for TFUEL.


ProtocolStaking calculates reward rate and inflation rate using data from the previous 7 days.


Toncoin has two staking states running simultaneously. Therefore, tokens staked in both staking states are counted towards calculating total value staked. Additionally, tokens issued on both staking states are taken into account when calculating the inflation rate.


Tron users can issue USDD, its native stablecoin, by burning TRX. ProtocolStaking does not include the TRX burned for USDD in its inflation rate calculation and therefore may be overestimating the inflation rate.

ProtocolStaking calculates the reward rate and inflation rate using data from the previous 8 hours.


ProtocolStaking takes actual block time into account when calculating the reward rate and inflation rate.

Last updated