Theta Network

Time factors

Protocol timeHuman readable time

Protocol time 1


6 seconds

Protocol time 2

Checkpoint (= 100 blocks)

10 minutes

First reward delay



Reward frequency



Unbonding period

28,800 blocks

2 days

  • The protocol has an implicit block time target of 6 seconds. However, this is not an enforced parameter and block times can fluctuate depending on network conditions.

  • First reward and frequency will depend on the protocol's randomness. Only 400 stakers are randomly selected to be rewarded every checkpoint.


Must know before staking

Minimum stake amount

1,000 THETA

Partial stake changes

Partial reward withdrawal




  • Staking rewards for the protocol is distributed in another token called TFUEL.

  • Only 400 stakers are randomly selected to be rewarded every checkpoint. This selection process is weighted by stake amount and therefore, small stakers may need to wait a while to receive their first rewards.

Advanced topics


  • Theta Network has three different types of validators.

    • Validators are responsible for proposing new blocks and voting on new blocks.

    • Guardian nodes are responsible for finalizing blocks and monitoring validators for malicious behavior.

    • Edge nodes help relay video streams through the Theta Network.

  • Validators and guardian nodes require THETA stake while edge nodes require TFUEL stake. Only guardian nodes and elite edge nodes can receive external delegation. All three receive staking rewards in TFUEL.


  • Rewards come from newly issued tokens.

    • Fixed emissions of TFUEL. THETA token supply does not change. Every block, 48 TFUEL tokens are issued and distributed every checkpoint as staking rewards.

    • Only 400 validators, guardian nodes or delegators are randomly selected to get rewarded every checkpoint. This selection process is weighted by stake amount and therefore, small stakers may need to wait longer than bigger stakers to receive their first rewards.

  • Factors that impact realized rewards.

    • TFUEL price. Since the reward is in a different currency, the price of TFUEL will affect realized rewards.

    • Commissions.


  • The protocol does not have any penalties or slashing.


Total validator cap


31 validators

Validator requirements


Validators: 200,000 THETA Guardian nodes: 1,000 THETA

  • The protocol has a cap of 31 validators. There is no cap on the total number of guardian nodes.

  • Validators require a minimum stake of 200,000 THETA. Guardian nodes require a minimum stake of 1,000 THETA.

  • Validators and guardian nodes require THETA stake while edge nodes require TFUEL stake. Only guardian nodes and elite edge nodes can receive external delegation. All three receive staking rewards in TFUEL.


Last updated