
Time factors

Protocol timeHuman readable time

Protocol time 1


1 second

Protocol time 2


8 minutes

First reward delay

1 epoch

8 minutes

Reward frequency

Every epoch

8 minutes

Unbonding period

7 days

7 days

  • The protocol does not have a fixed epoch time. Epoch times can fluctuate depending on network conditions.


  • For fluid rewards, stake is locked for a predetermined staking duration (from 2 weeks up to 1 year) selected by the staker.

  • Fluid rewards are distributed all at once at the end of the staking duration.

Must know before staking

Minimum stake amount


Partial stake changes

Partial reward withdrawal




Double signing - Up to 100%

  • Stakers can choose to earn base rewards (stake-as-you-go) or fluid rewards.

    • Stakers can get started with base rewards by delegating without selecting a staking duration. Rewards are distributed and available to be claimed every epoch.

    • To get fluid rewards, stakers must select a staking duration from 2 weeks to 1 year. More rewards are earned by locking up longer. Rewards are not distributed until the end of the staking duration.

Advanced topics


  • Stakers choosing fluid rewards can request to unstake before the staking duration ends. However, rewards will be reduced to half of base rewards.

    • For example, let’s assume the protocol has a base reward rate of 1.8% and fluid reward rate (at maximum staking duration) of 6%. A staker has staked 1,000 FTM and selected the maximum staking duration which would give them a 6% reward rate at the end of 365 days. Halfway through the staking duration, the staker decided to unstake. After an unbonding period of 7 days, the protocol will provide only 4.5 FTM as rewards, a 0.9% reward rate, effectively half of the base reward rate.


  • Rewards come from newly issued tokens and transaction fees.

    • Fixed issuance of tokens. Approximately 2.67 FTM is issued per block. Newly issued tokens are distributed as rewards to stakers.

    • Transaction fees. 70% of transaction fees are distributed to stakers as rewards. 15% goes to ecosystem applications, 10% goes to an ecosystem support vault and the remaining 5% gets burned.

  • Factors that impact realized rewards.

    • Validator performance. Rewards coming from new issued tokens will exponentially decrease by a validator’s downtime. Rewards coming from transaction fees will linearly decrease by a validator’s downtime.

    • Staking duration will impact realized rewards. Stakers have the option to stake from 2 weeks to 1 year. More rewards are earned by locking up longer.

    • Commissions. Commissions for validators are fixed at 15%.


  • Rewards coming from new issued tokens will exponentially decrease by a validator’s downtime. Rewards coming from transaction fees will linearly decrease by a validator’s downtime.

  • Slashing can occur for any double signing validator. The offending validator and its delegators’ entire stake can be deducted.

  • A validator is kicked out of the active set if it has a downtime longer than 72 hours.


Total validator cap

Validator requirements

50,000 FTM

  • A validator can have up to 15 times their self-staked amount as delegations. For example, if a validator has self-stake of 1,000,000 FTM, it can get up to 15,000,000 FTM in delegations.

  • Commissions for validators are fixed at 15%.


Fantom documentation:

Fantom explorer:

Update notes

2023-06-18: Fantom decreased the self-stake requirement for validators from 500,000 FTM to 50,000 FTM (announcement).

Last updated